Culture of Spain is a vibrant one that has won the global fame for its variety. The exploration of the Spanish culture remains incomplete without inquiring into their national sport, bullfighting.
Spain's dance carnivals with gorgeous dress codes add more interest in the hearts of culture lovers. Spanish films are loved by international film buffs. Spanish cuisine is known for its rich taste. Its fine taste of wine has served the taste buds of wine lovers for the ages.
Bullfighting has been an object of ridicule by the animal lovers worldwide. It is reported that about 24,000 bulls face death each year in Spain during the season of bullfighting. But the sport of bullfighting has made its way in the culture of Spain since 711 AD. The first instance of bullfighting is reported to be held during the crowning of King Alfons VIII. The bull-rings are found at a gap of few yards throughout Spain.
The culture of Spain is known for its folklores in different regions of Spain. A mixed culture has emerged in the recent time in Spain with the increasing migration of Europeans to Spain. The primitive traditions of the time of medieval age are matters of pride for theculture of Spain . The Andalusian genre of music, flamenco fills the air of Spain with a rhythmic tune.
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